Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Cara Merawat Hamster yang baik dan benar

Cara Memelihara/Merawat Hamster Bagi Pemula Agar Hamster Sehat

  1. Ada baiknya anda memperhatikan pemilihan jenis hamster yang mungkin bisa anda pelihara. Anda bisa bertanya dengan pemilik toko hewan, ataupun para pemelihara hamster lainnya. Pastinya, anda harus banyak mencari informasi mengenai jenis hamster yang mungkin bisa anda pelihara. Agar anda tidak merasa kesulitan saat memeliharanya. Juga penting untuk anda mengetahui pola makan dan hal-hal mendasar dalam perawatan hamster tersebut.
  2. Hamster sangat membutuhkan kasih sayang dari pemiliknya. Mengapa demikian? Sebab dengan kasih sayang, hamster yang anda pelihara akan semakin mudah diatur. Anda harus sering-sering menyentuh dan bermain dengannya agar ia cepat mengenali anda. Begitu juga dengan mencium aroma tangan anda. Hamster peliharaan anda dengan cepat beradaptasi dengan anda.
  3. Beri perhatian lebih untuk kandangnya. Hamster tentu akan menghabiskan seluruh waktunya di dalam kandang. Oleh karenanya anda perlu memenuhi semua kebutuhan yang membuatnya nyaman berada di dalam kandangnya. Anda perlu memastikan kebersihan serbuk kayu untuk kandangnya. Seperti mengganti serbuk kayu 2 kali seminggu untuk menjaga kebersihan kandang hamster. Serbuk kayu berguna untuk menghangatkan tubuh hamster sekaligus menjadi tempatnya untuk membuang kotoran. Serbuk kayu ini bisa anda dapatkan di toko-toko hewan.
  4. Perhatikan kebersihan kandang hamster. Sebab kandang yang kotor akan menyebabkan hamster rentan terjangkit penyakit. Seminggu atau dua minggu sekali, kosongkan kandang dan cuci kandang secara menyeluruh. Jangan lupa juga bersihkan seluruh peralatan dan aksesoris yang ada di dalam kandang. Pastikan semuanya dalam keadaan bersih ketika anda mengembalikan hamster kembali ke kandangnya. 
  5. Anda juga harus pandai memilih aksesoris yang akan anda letakkan di dalam kandang hamster. Pastikan bahwa aksesoris itu memang dibutuhkannya. Tidak hanya sekedar hiasan saja. Perlu anda ketahui bahwa di alam liar, hamster akan berjalan hingga delapan mil dalam semalam hanya untuk mencari makan. Hal tersebut merupakan salah satu insting alaminya. Bahkan jika ia tidak melakukannya atau tidak ada media untuknya melakukan hal tersebut, akan beresiko menyebabkan kelumpuhan. Karenanya, anda perlu menambah aksesoris berbentuk roda sebagai media penyaluran insting alaminya tersebut. Anda juga memerlukan sebuah kotak kardus kecil atau sesuatu yang dapat menjadi tempat persembunyian hamster ketika ia akan tidur. Sebab, cara tidur hamster adalah dengan bersembunyi. Hamster juga senang berjalan melalui terowongan. Jadi anda perlu menambahkannya dalam daftar aksesoris yang harus anda penuhi.
  6. Perhatikan pula persediaan makanan, serta air untuk perawatan hamster. Anda perlu menyediakan air tawar dan makanannya berupa biji Bungan matahari di dalam tempat makannya dan mengisinya setiap hari. Boleh memberikan sediki bentuk makanan lain seperti wortel, seledri, apel dan anggur untuk menambah nutrisi yang dibutuhkannya. Namun perlu diawasi takaran dan jadwalnya. Sebab konsumsi makanan tambahan ini tidak bisa dilakukan sering-sering. Juga tidak bisa diberikan dalam jumlah yang banyak. Sebab akan berpengaruh buruk pada pencernaan hamster tersebut. Jangan memberi makan coklat, biji kopi, atau kafein apapun pada hamster karena hal ini dapat mengakibatkan kematian.
  7. Jangan pernah merendam hamster dalam air untuk mandi atau alasan apapun. Hamster adalah salah satu binatang yang rentan terhadap serangan penyakit. Hamster sebenarnya akan bersih sendiri sepanjang waktu dan biasanya tidak perlu dibersihkan. Hamster kerdil akan sangat menikmati mandi debu. Anda dapat membeli debu atau bubuk debu untuk mandi hamster di toko hewan peliharaan. Jika sekali waktu memang mengharuskan anda untuk membersihkan sesuatu dari hamster anda. Anda dapat dengan aman menggunakan kain basah atau tisu khusus untuk hewan peliharaan. Tidak perlu menggunakan sabun atau sampo pada hamster Anda.
Demikian artikel tentang  Cara Merawat Hamster yang baik dan benar semoga bermanfaat bagi anda, temukan artikel lainnya berkaitan dengan hamster, klik disini untuk temukan makanan hamster

Selasa, 23 April 2013

Wednesday’s Workout| HIIT the Beach| High Intensity Interval Training


workout wednesday hiit

How are your workout’s going girls? Are you still doing the 30 Day Abs Challenge? I am on day 4, a little behind, but still going strong! I’m getting the hang of mountain climbers and looking forward to trying next weeks moves. I find that each day gets easier so hope to see some inches lost soon!

Anyways on to this weeks workout. This week I am sharing with you one of my favourite workout videos from the Tone It Up girls. If you haven’t heard of Tone It Up before you need to go and check it out! It is a site run by two gorgeous girls that is a fun and motivating fitness community. They post regular workouts, recipes and challenges to get involved in, along with the added motivation of giveaways! Yesterday marked the start of their 3rd Annual Bikini Series, which is a 8 week challenge to get bikini ready. I’m all signed up for it and am currently looking through my Free Bikini Starter Pack.

The workout below is not from the Bikini Series but is still a great one! It demonstrates a number of moves for you to carry out for atleast 30 seconds to gain a High Intensity Interval workout. I wanted to share this workout as it is also very similar to the workouts I have be doing at my bootcamp class, so can tell you that they work you very hard! At bootcamp we work in pairs, one does one of the moves while the other runs a certain distance marked out by our trainer and runs back to the partner, which then releases them from the exercise move. You then swap! So the time you spend completing the interval move depends on how quick your partner runs… it makes it a bit more fun and interactive! If you don’t fancy getting out in the park and doing this, just complete each of the moves for 30-60 seconds and repeat as many times as you can! Aim for atleast 2 circuits!

High Intensity Interval Training is one of the best ways to burn fat quickly! So what are you waiting for, get going! Let me know what you think of the workout and if you give it a try! Also if you have any request for workouts that target specific areas I will do my best to find my favourite and share them with you!


250advertalifeofgeekeryDon’t forget to check out my blogger of the week Vicki and her amazing lifestyle blog A Life Of Geekery, full of food, crafts, beauty and life. Her photos are truly gorgeous and I love her recipes!

Jumat, 19 April 2013

Fitness Friday| Low Cal Cake| Chocolate & Beetroot Cake Recipe

beetroot and chocolate cake recipe beetroot and chocolate cake-tilebeetroot and chocolate cake recipe 2beetroot and chocolate cake recipe 3-tile
Living a healthy lifestyle means everything in moderation and not depriving yourself of anything! If you want a cake, eat a cake, just don’t them all! I am a massive cake fiend! I love baking them, I love decorating them and I obviously love eating them! So as I would quite happily eat cake most days I thought why not try and make my cake recipes a bit healthier, so if I do indulge I’m not going completely overboard. So I was over the moon when this month Women’s Health magazine featured 5 wonderful health boosting, low cal, cake recipes. I decided that as it was my trainer’s birthday yesterday, I would bake him some healthy Birthday Cake, so everyone at my Kendal Bootcamp Class could try some and be my little guinea pigs!

I made two batches as it was my first attempt at a “healthy cake”, the first batch wasn’t so great. I don’t think I used enough chocolate and didn’t bake it for long enough as it was a little too moist, a little bitter and tasted a lot like beetroot. The second batch was much more successful, it was baked for a few minutes longer so the consistency was cake like but still moist, and there was a little more chocolate in this one, so it tasted like a chocolate cake! The pictures are of the first cake which I dusted with icing sugar, the second cake I topped with a thin layer of buttercream icing… a little bit naughty I know, but it was a Birthday cake! The cake went down very well with everyone at Bootcamp and was a great treat for our hard work. So as it was a success I thought I would share the recipe with you!

You will need;
300g cooked, unseasoned beetroot, peeled and purred, 4 large eggs, 4 tbsp honey, 1tsp vanilla, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 tsp baking powder, pinch of salt, 125g ground almonds, 135g good quality dark chocolate (It HAS to be good quality!), 8 tbsp olive oil.

Start by pureeing your beetroot in a food processor. Once smooth tip into a bowl and mix in the eggs, honey, vanilla, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Mix well. Next gently fold in the ground almonds.

Now melt your good quality dark chocolate. Once melted, pour in the olive oil and mix thoroughly; you should be left with a liquid that isn’t separated and is smooth and shiny. Now gently pour the chocolate mixture into the rest of your cake mixture in the bowl and fold gently.

Once everything is combined, pour the cake mixture into a greased cake tin, and bake in your preheated oven at 180c for 35-40 minutes. Try the trusty skewer test to ensure your cake is cooked through!

Finish by either dusting with icing sugar or cocoa powder, or if you are feeling naughty give it a thin layer of buttercream icing! Cut into 8 pieces and at only 260 calories per slice you can really enjoy it!

Have you ever tried chocolate and beetroot cake? Do you have any other favourite healthy cake recipes that I should try next? Do you think you will give this one a go?

onthedressingtableblogbutton (1)Be sure to check out my blogger of the week and fellow Cumbria Blogger Anna from On The Dressing Table. She has the most amazing beauty blog, full of insightful and honest reviews, plus she is the sweetest girl!

Selasa, 16 April 2013

Wednesday’s Workout| 30 Day Abs Challenge

30 day ab challenge
Image from Carly Rowena Instagram
How did last weeks workout go girls? It was a tough one! This weeks workout is again all about the abs… it’s only 6 weeks until June, so it’s definitely time to work at those abs to make sure you look and feel great on holiday! This weeks Wednesday workout is again a challenge, it is the 30 day Abs Challenge from the gorgeous Carly Rowena. Carly is an amazing fitness and beauty blogger who is stunning, has a great attitude to health and fitness and posts regular videos, so if you need some motivation go and check her out! She is definitely one of my favourites and I find her so inspiring and refreshing.

Her 30 day Abs Challenge asks you to workout for only 5 minutes each day for 30 days continually. She gives you 2 moves to carry out for 30 seconds at a time and then repeat then 5 times over. So it is super simple, but will be super effective. As you can see from the picture above, the moves vary each week, and they are all tough! I do a few of these at my Bootcamp Class and can promise you they are tough! However if you want to improve your abs in 30 days with only 5 minutes of work, the work has got to be hard work! You have to put in the effort!

As Carly states in the video, abs are made in the kitchen. To achieve definition and a nice toned middle you need to have a great diet. Abs are 80% diet and 20% exercise, so remember to put in the effort in the kitchen aswell! Carly explains the whole challenge very well in her video, so check it out for info, tips and the demonstration of each of the moves mentioned in the picture above.

I am going to start the challenge today! Are you going to join me? Just think of how good you will look in 30 days! If it looks too tough, just try to complete 1 minute worth of moves and build it up from there! It’s completely adaptable to your fitness level, and a little exercise is better than none!

onthedressingtableblogbutton (1)Be sure to check out my blogger of the week and fellow Cumbria Blogger Anna from On The Dressing Table. She has the most amazing beauty blog, full of insightful and honest reviews, plus she is the sweetest girl!

Senin, 15 April 2013

Cumbria Bloggers Meet| Part 2 at I Love Cafe

Cumbria bloggers meet 2-tilecumbia bloggers meetcumbria bloggers 1-tilecumbria bloggers 2

On Sunday I visited Carlisle to see family and friends and to catch up with my little blogging family; Cumbria Bloggers (We even have our own hashtag #cumbriablogger). You may have seen my previous post on the first meetup that we had a few months ago, you will remember how incredibly nervous I was about meeting bloggers in real life, well thankfully my fear has dwindled and has been replaced by enthusiasm and excitement. Our Cumbria Bloggers family has grown from 7 members to 24 in a few short months, who knew there was so many of us!

On Sunday we arranged to meet up, have tea and chat at I Love Cafe in the courtyard behind Mcdonalds in Carlisle. The cafe is incredibly tiny and cute, but very welcoming and homely thanks to the gorgeous Sophie who opened up especially for us bloggers. There was 10 of us at this meetup, 5 of the girls were new to me so I was able to find out about new blogs, which is always great! Between us we blog about such a wide variety of topics; crafts, cooking, fashion, mummy blogs, beauty and lifestyle, so being able to chat to bloggers from different specialities only adds to the interest. We all sat and enjoyed various flavoured teas, and yummy, scrummy cakes of a wide variety… I obviously went for a cupcake!

At the meet we decided that the meetups would become a regular event and we plan on holding a larger event during May/June and get local brands, businesses and other bloggers involved. Many people overlook Cumbria for events because we are “rural” however Carlisle is the perfect location for events as it is central to Scotland, the North East, Lancashire and Manchester… it’s only a few stops on the train! Helen, Amanda and I have already been networking with businesses on Twitter during the #cumbriahour chats so things are slowly but surely taking shape. I’m just excited to have met such a wonderful, talented group of girls and bloggers who blog about their passions, I’m in great company and am really excited about what us #cumbriabloggers will achieve in the future.

Please take a look at the other wonderful girls and their blogs. You may find your new favourite read amongst them. 

Sally from Sallytangle | Amanda from Amanda Uniquely | Alice from Tea and Lead 
Caroline from All About the Girl | Ann from Prattle and froth | Sue from Sooz In The Shed

Do you have a similar group of blogger in your area? Or have to been to a meetup recently? Aslo if you are a Cumbrian blogger and want to join our little family, let me know!

onthedressingtableblogbutton (1)Be sure to check out my blogger of the week and fellow Cumbria Blogger Anna from On The Dressing Table. She has the most amazing beauty blog, full of insightful and honest reviews, plus she is the sweetest girl!

Kamis, 11 April 2013

Fitness Friday| Overnight Oats Recipe| Easy, Healthy Breakfast

overnight oats recipe how to makeOvernight oats ingrediantsovernight oats recipe how to make 2

Since moving into my new place I have been on a mission to overhaul my diet and eat fresher, greener and leaner. I eat regularly with 3 meals and 2 snacks each day, but my breakfast and lunch were not the healthiest. They were more grab and go, think cereal bars and cup-a-soups.

However for the past few weeks I have been frantically researching recipes and have discovered two new breakfasts, one of which I’m going to share with you. This week I’m sharing a recipe that is super healthy, easy to make, and the perfect way to start the day… Overnight Oats!

Overnight oats are essentially oats soaked overnight  in any liquid you fancy! The most common mixture is 1/2 of oats, milk and yoghurt. There is absolutely no cooking required so it takes literally minutes to prepare and they are easy to grab as you run out of the door in the morning.

I was dubious at first as I imaged it would just be cold porridge… and who wants to eat that. But the magic with overnight oats is that they can be totally adapted to suit your taste. You can add ingredients the night before and allow them to soak in or just stick with topping your oats with the extra ingredients. Below I am sharing with you my current favourite flavour, but feel free to get creative!

My oats are peanut butter and banana flavoured. The below recipe makes quite a substantial portion but I do a lot of exercise so need it, but if you a more dormant or can’t stomach a big breakfast, try using 1/3 cup of oat,milk and yoghurt. Here’s the recipe;
  • 1/2 cup of rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup of skimmed milk
  • 1/2 cup of low fat natural/greek yoghurt
  • 1/2 mushed banana
  • 1/2 tbs organic peanut butter
All you do is mix all you ingredients together in a bowl. Cover with cling film and leave in the fridge over night. In the morning take them out of the fridge, give it a stir and add whichever toppings you fancy. I add the other half of my banana chopped banana and a small handful of walnuts.

This breakfast is guaranteed to see you right through till lunch!

Nutritional info for the oats without any topping- Calories- 365, Carbs- 55g, Fat 10g, Protein 17g.

What’s your favourite healthy breakfast? Have you ever tried overnight oats? If so what toppings a flavours do you prefer… give me some ideas!

natalia beauty blog
Don’t forget to check out my blogger of the week Natalia from Natalia’s Beauty Blog. If you enjoyed this post Natalia often posts about fitness too, so be sure to give her blog a read. She also has the most gorgeous OOTD posts.

Selasa, 09 April 2013

Wednesday’s Workout| 6 Week Six-Pack Abs


girls with toned abs-horz

It’s that time of the week again, it’s workout time! Firstly, thankyou to you all for the amazing feedback you have given me about this feature. There really are so many of you who say it helps them and inspires them to try something new, and I’m always over the moon to hear that I can help others. I hope that you all workout more that once a week, but even if you only manage the workouts I post on Wednesday, it is a lot better than doing nothing!

As last weeks workout was for the booty this weeks will focus on the majority of people’s problem area the abs. I am currently on a massive mission to gain a flat stomach in time for my birthday in exactly 4 weeks time! I currently have a little flabby bit on my lower abs and would love for it to be gone by then. Obviously abs are gained in the gym but shown in the kitchen so I am upping the strength moves for my abs but also trying my best to eat clean and lean so I can reduce my body fat and start to show off some of my abs.

The below workout is from one of my favourite trainers Jillian Michaels. Jillian is to credit for the 30 Day Shred that I’m sure many of you have heard of, but in America she is most know for being the tough trainer on The Biggest Loser. She takes crap from no one and makes them work hard, but after watching her on many programs it is easy to see that she truly cares about her “victims” and only wants them to be the best they can be.

This workout is similar to the 30 Day Shred but more concentrated on the abs and a little tougher. It really works all the muscles in your middle and makes you sweat. It is only 30 minute long, which is a short workout so there is no excuse not to try it. I have tried it only a handle full of times and found that I have had to adapt a few of the moves until I build up my strength but I am enjoying it.

I hope you give it a go. Let me know if you do and how you get on with it. Do you have any Ab workouts that you recommend for me? Or are there any workouts that you would like to see featured on Wednesday’s Workout?

natalia beauty blogDon’t forget to check out my blogger of the week Natalia from Natalia’s Beauty Blog. If you enjoyed this post Natalia often posts about fitness too, so be sure to give her blog a read. She also has the most gorgeous OOTD posts.