Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

What a Week| Cosmo Blog Awards


What a week I have had! Not even week, I have been quite lucky these past few months, with my degree, job and now this. As you probably can guess from this posts title and my cheery face in these pictures, I have had the huge honour of being shortlisted for this years Cosmopolitan and Next’s Best Newcomer Blog Award. I received the email on Monday night when I came home from work, and seriously thought it was a joke. It wasn’t until I checked the email on my desktop that it actually believed it was real. To say I was a surprised was an understatement, I was, and still am in complete shock, so much so I burst into tears when I found out… sad I know!

It really is such a huge compliment to me and my little blog, and I thank everyone of you who nominated me. I really just want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who reads my blog. In particular my lovely followers who have supported me and contributed to my blog over the past 9 months. As much as I blog for my own satisfaction, it really makes it more fun when I know that others have enjoyed my posts and pictures. I would also like to thank my followers on Twitter; I feel like I have made many friends on both sites.

However now the hard work begins. I was unsure to whether to beg for your votes, but it seems many others are, so I may as well. If you enjoy my blog, and my ramblings then please if you could click on the link below and vote for me it would mean the world.

Congratulations to all others who have been nominated, I look forward to meeting you all at the Award Ceremony… I’m already planning my outfit!

And again, many thanks!