Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Monkeying Around| A Go Ape Experience

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Well this past Saturday was unlike any other. I have never been an adventurous girl, more a girl who is at home shopping and drinking cocktails. However recently I have been embracing my very hidden inner wild child and tried new activities, even getting muddy, wet and sweaty in the process!

This weekend I visited Go Ape in Grizedale Forest in the Lake District with my family. If you have not been or heard of Go Ape before it is an activity course based in the forest, that involves making your way across a number of obstacles and pathways high up in the trees… and I mean high! The highest platform and pathway was 60 feet up a tree.

It’s obstacles varied from precarious stepping stones, barrels to crawl through, cargo nets to climb, a number of zip lines and a giant Tarzan swing which scared me to death! There was a number of us who visited, all a variety of ages, from my brother aged 21 to my Grandma at 67, and each and everyone of us enjoyed it. Well my boyfriend probably a little less so, seems he’s pretty scared of heights, but he did do incredibly well.
When we were finished we all looked a right state, some more than others (that included me). It appears that although I was embracing my inner wild child, I’m still not the most graceful or athletic person, and every zip line I did I landed on my bum and back and ended up being dragged through the mud. To say I was mucky is an understatement I was covered in mud and wood chippings from head (including my hair) to toes, as you can see from the pictures above. I was so mucky that my boyfriend made me wear a bin bag in the car. So a bin bag was part of my OOTD (outfit of the day), and I think I managed to pull it off well.

I even managed to gain a workout from this activity, which is always a plus. My arms, back and neck were very stiff the next day; either from pulling myself up a number of rope ladders, or from holding on for dear life! Either way it must of did some good.

I would highly recommend this to anyone and everyone. Even on a day when the weather isn’t so great, it’s still an enjoyable activity, as the rain doesn't effect you too much as there is plenty of cover from the trees. We paid £30 per person and spent around 3 hours there, so it’s also good value for money.

What do you think, would you give it a go? Have you tried Go Ape before? If so what was your favourite obstacle?