Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

One BBQ, Two Parties in One Night| OOTD

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Dress- Dorothy Perkins
Shoes- New Look

Well I have had a busy weekend indeed! I visited Leeds which is the home city of my boyfriend. Normally we have a relaxing few days and catch up with his family and friends. However this was not the case this time, as we found ourselves being double booked. We had his Mum’s birthday BBQ and party, as well as his friends birthday night out; both on the Saturday night! So we had a bit of shuffling around to do… literally. We ended up spending the afternoon at his parents BBQ then going out to the bars in town in the evening with his friends, and then went back to his parents to finish off the partying. So at the end of it we were both very tried, and very drunk! It seems when you have two parties you end up drinking twice as much… my body was not thankful the next day!

I had a great weekend, regardless, but was very tired come Sunday night! I did also treat myself this weekend to a new iPhone! I have been due an upgrade for some time now, but being a busy student then worker I never got round to it, however now I have had it for 5 days I wouldn’t know what to do without it… I am in love with it! I am also completely addicted to Instagram now, as you can see from the Widget on the right hand side.

Anyways onto my outfit! I wore my new dress from Dorothy Perkins after I finally treated myself to a few sale items. The dress cost me only £10, down from around £32, and I think the cut is flattering and the colour screams summer, a great little bargain! I wore it with my blue New Look heels which I was originally going to wear at my graduation before I got my Louboutins. Again I love my shoes, they only cost £17 and have a very chunky heel. I wore them from 6 in the evening till about 3 in the morning, without any Party Feet and had no pressure or pain on the balls of my feet at all, so they are very comfortable.

What did you get up to this weekend? Did you have a relaxing one or a wild one?
P.S. Don’t forget, if you enjoy my blog, vote for me in the Cosmopolitan Magazine Blog Awards as Best Newcomer. It takes 30 seconds and a tick of a box but would mean the world to me…. Thanks!