Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Think Pink| Breast Cancer Awareness


As many of you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I am an advocate of Breast Cancer Awareness month, as it helps raise money for charities close to my heart. However I worry that the real, more significant aim of this campaign is sometimes forgotten. How many of you actually see the advertisements and think ‘Oh I should really check my breasts when I get home’. Breast Cancer Awareness is much more than buying pretty pink products, you can do that all year round. Breast Cancer Awareness month is making sure you take the time to be aware of your own breasts.
I decided to do this post as there are many popping up on people’s blogs at the moment, and even though they are meant with the best intentions  many do not ask you to take action. So I am asking you. I ask you to check your breast now; only if you are reading this in the private of your own home, I think checking them on the train to work would be a little inappropriate. But please remember my plea and do it when you get home.
I have seen and lived with the effects that the fight against Breast Cancer causes. As many of you know, my Mum fought it two years ago and my Grandma is currently fighting it. Both of them are the bravest and strongest women I know. My Mothers strength (and stubbornness) helped her fight and beat Cancer, and I know this same strength will help my Grandma win her battle. Thankfully I think strength and stubbornness is a family trait that although can have its downsides, helps the women in my family kick cancers arse!
I am not being a hypocrite I myself regularly check my breasts, I admit before my mother had breast cancer I didn't do it regularly, but when it happens to your family it soon shocks you into it. I am also going to visit my GP soon and advise them of the history of Breast Cancer in my family, so I can be checked regularly. Regular self checking, and regular mammograms are vital, a routine mammogram is how my grandma found her lump.
Below is an illustration of what to look for when checking your breasts. There is no right or wrong way to check them just make sure you do it. If you find anything irregular go to your GP right away. For more information click here.
Anyways enough of the lecturing, onto a more positive side to Breast Cancer Awareness month, and charity fundraising. Recently my mother got married and on the Friday before the wedding my Grandma was very brave and had her head shave by my mum in front of 100 guests. No one knew about it so it was a huge shock to everyone. However her bravery helped raised £400 for Cancer Care, the local charity that supported my Mum and will support my Grandma with her fight against cancer.
I hope this post inspires you to be aware of your own breasts, and I dedicate this post to my beautiful, strong and inspiring Mum and Grandma.