Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone


Merry Christmas Blog Post

Just a quick post from me to say Merry Christmas everyone! I won’t be posting over the next couple of days as I will be busy filling my time seeing family and friends.

This year is a little different for me as it’s the first year I am having my Christmas dinner away from home and with the boyfriend's family. We spend every Christmas together, but for the past 4 years we have spent it with my family, so this year I decided it was time to spend it with his. So Christmas morning I am getting up early; I always do, as I am too excited to sleep, and going for a run. Now yes you may think that’s madness, but I do enjoy it (I swear) and plus I will feel less guilty about munching on endless streams of chocolates all day. We will then open our presents with his family and have Christmas dinner early afternoon. Later in the day Matt is driving us across the country to my Mum’s house where we will spend the night. Boxing day will be a second Christmas for us, with more presents to open, more family to see and more Christmas dinner to eat! Then on the 27th I am back to work so there won’t be much relaxing for me this year… but there never is!

I hope you all have a lovely day and get to spend the holidays’ with the people you love. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all got for Christmas in your haul posts! Have a great day!