Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Happy New Year| 2012 In Pictures


New Years resolutions 2New Years resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! I am writing this post nursing a tiny hangover after drinking too much champagne last night, while cuddled up on the sofa...I assume that I’m not the only one currently in this state! I had a lovely evening despite not being the biggest fan of New Years Eve as I think it is very overrated but I do like to take the time to reflect upon the year I’ve had and plan the year ahead. I decided to celebrate 2012 by sharing with you my favourite pictures from the year, you can see them above.

2012 has been one of the best years of my life, I graduated with a great degree, I gained a job straight out of university, I celebrated 5 years with my boyfriend, I was Chief Bridesmaid at my mum’s wedding, I got to travel new countries with my close friends and I saw my blog become a finalist in the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards.

There have been some low points in the year that have affected those I love, with cancer raising its ugly head in my family again (thankfully my Grandma won her battle), and my best friend’s marriage also broke down. But as I said the worst is over, and with 2013 being a New Year it’s a chance to put a line underneath all the negatives and focus on the positives.

As with every year I always like to set goals to achieve... much more attainable than vague resolutions. So to make sure I actually attempt to do them I thought I would write them down and share them with you.


  • Complete the 365 miles in 365 days challenge. Yes its only a mile a day to run, so not too difficult, but I hope by taking part in a challenge it will ensure that I keep up with my fitness streak.
  • Continue to lose weight and inches, and become healthier. As I mentioned in previous posts I don’t believe in scales, so don’t have a goal weight, just an idea on what I want my body to look like.
  • Complete a competitive run, be it 3/5/10k
  • Learn to cook. I have zero flair in the kitchen, so aim to put my food and nutrition knowledge into good use by actually cooking my own meals!


  • Learn to drive!! I need to do this!
  • Buy a car... just a cheap one to go from A to Z
  • Continue to develop and grow my career through both my performance at work, and through my blog and independent projects.
  • Move back in with Matt... as much as I love my family, living at home at the age of 23 going on 24 is not living the dream.
  • Actually use my savings account and put 5-10% of my wage into it each month
  • Spend more time with my family and friends. This was difficult this past year thanks to a gruelling final year at uni. So I aim to get the balance between work and play more equal this next year


  • Develop my photography with the use of my new camera
  • Film a You Tube video
  • Buy a tripod and remote for my camera
  • Develop my skills in html and continue to edit and adapt my blog layout
  • Take part in more #bbloggers #lbloggers etc. chats

So there we have it a reflection on the past year and my hopes and goals for 2013. I hope you all had a lovely evening last night, have had a great 2012, and wish you all the best for 2013. Thank you for all your love and support over the past year, I really do appreciate it as it makes blogging so much more fun!

What are your resolution and goals for 2013?