Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

My First Blogger Meet| Carlisle Blogger Meet


Carlisle Blogger MeetCarlisle bloggers

As much as I love blogging, it can be a lonely hobby. Yes I get to talk and meet hundreds of like minded blogging girls on twitter, but most of my blogging in real life is confined to the four walls of my bedroom. I have a number of friends and family who know about my blog but I end up boring them chatting about it continually, so very often my blog is neglected in my day to day conversations. My family and friends often don’t know what a blog is, don’t understand the appeal of it, think it’s a bit self obsessive and wonder why the hell anyone would care about what I have to say. For these reasons I have been desperate to go on a Blogger Meet, and Helen from Pierre Le Cat must of heard my cries and invited me along to the Carlisle Bloggers Meet last Sunday.

We arranged to meet up at Thin White Dukes in Carlisle city centre, which turned out to be a great location and a new favourite of mine. I was unbelievably nervous before going as I was the only one going who hadn’t met any of the other girls in person. Thankfully after thinking of cancelling multiple times, I plucked up the courage and went. I had described what I was wearing to the girls before hand as was more nervous of not actually recognising anyone and going up to a complete stranger and asking if they were a blogger! Thankfully as soon as I walked in the door I was met by Jo’s smiley face who recognised me. I sat with Jo and her sister Jen for a little while before everyone else joined us. At first the conversation was a little forced I think, as it always is when meeting new people but after the first drink everyone loosened up and we were sharing joke, stories and blogging experiences as we would with friends. We sat for nearly 3 hours, drinking eating and chatting and I left feeling like I had made 6 new friends. We now have a Facebook group that allow us to chat often and we are already thinking or organising the next meet. So as I have made 6 new friends I want to introduce them to you!

amazndaAmanda- Uniquely Snowflake

Amanda is a crafty and creative blogger. She has her own shop which she creates one of a kind jewellery, homeware, accessories and children's gifts.She is also a popular mummy blogger. Her blog is a mixed bag; full of interesting posts, crafts, fashion and life.


annaAnna- On The Dressing Table

Anna is the only other self confessed beauty product lover! Her blog is full of honest, detailed product reviews, and pictures of her adorable dogs! Like the rest of us she dabbles in some lifestyle blogging by sharing pictures of her life and personality throughout her posts. She is also to credit for the photos as I was too nervous to take any!



Helen has been my blogging friend for a long time and even helped me with my dissertation. She has such an interesting blog. A fashion and true lifestyle blogger her blog is pack full of unique online boutiques and fashion stores, creative photography and her latest post on her love of old people was so beautifully written it has been very popular.


jen jen and featherJen- Jenny And The Magic Feather

Jen is a lifestyle blogger who is amazing at blog designs, she actually helped with a few of the girls mentioned blogs. She is a creative and crafty girl who’s blog is full of baking and cute pictures, especially of her little pet Degus… you have to go see how cute they are!


joJo- The Perfect Hiding Place

Jo is a super crafty blogger who is a self confessed Pinterest addict…love this! Her blog is like mine, a mixed bag; full of life, crafts, and lots of nails! She is a super creative girl with a friendly blog with great photographs! I love her mix of topics.


sally tangleSally- Sally Tangle

Sally is a fashion blogger who dabbles in lifestyle posts. you can tell she’s a fashion blogger as she looked amazing when I met her!  Her blog is so pretty and I love her pictures, her writing style is personal, relaxed and a great read over a cup of tea.


I hope you go and check out these girls and their amazing blogs, and find some new favourites amongst them. If you are a Cumbrian blogger leave a comment below and we can invite you to our Facebook group and keep you informed for the next Bloggers Meet.

How was your first ever Blogger Meet? Were you are nervous as I was? What did you gain from it?