Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Five Years

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Five years ago, not only did I start a new chapter in my life by moving across the country to attend university, I also started a chapter in my life that I hope never ends, and that is the chapter I share with Matt.
Five years ago I moved into my university accommodation and on the first day I met, unknown to me then, the man that now makes my life complete. The man who loves, supports and cherishes me; the man who makes me one of luckiest girls in the world. As many people say to me, he is one of the good ones… He’s a good egg, which is pretty much spot on!  Five years later and many miles between us (at one time 919 miles), he still makes me smile every day and with him by my side I know I can take on whatever the world throws at us. 

I know I don’t often speak about Matt but as it is our five year anniversary, and as he did treat me to an amazing weekend away in Edinburgh, this post is dedicated to him. I thought I would share a number of the countless pictures I took.

1+2. Some shots of Edinburgh I took; the castle and the view from it. We were extremely lucky and got some great weather over the weekend, perfect for wandering the streets aimlessly; as we did.
3+4. Our hotel room, and cards. We stayed at a gorgeous hotel on the outskirts of Edinburgh and lucky girl I am, we stayed in a gorgeous suite.
5+6. Shots of the hotel room again. The hotel had little cuddly toys that acted as your do not disturb sign, which I always love. However I always feel sorry for the cuddly toys being left in the cold corridor over night… soppy I know! The bathroom in the hotel suite was huge! There was a double shower and a big bath with a television in it… Luxury!
7+8. Celebrating by drinking champers in my pyjamas…why not! The hotel served some amazing breakfast, my favourite was the pancakes and maple syrup.
9+10. Some gorgeous cupcakes from a store we stumbled across called Bibi’s Bakery, the cakes were to die for and the interior of the shop was very cute and kitsch. A picture of me and my man, he’s quite photo shy, unlike me.
11+12. We chose to visit Edinburgh because Matt had had bought me a voucher at Christmas so I could go see the pandas at the zoo. I had been so excited about it, as I am a little obsessed with them. I would love to go to China and visit them in a sanctuary, but at the moment this is as close as I’m going to get, and it was definitely enough. I was completely memorised and so overwhelmed I nearly cried! We were very lucky and saw both male and female pandas for the entirity of our viewing slot. I would recommend a visit to anyone.

I had such an anniversary weekend, and fall in love with Edinburgh more each time I visit. So thank you Matt for making it so special for me!