Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Fluttery Eyelashes for a Fortnight| Eyelash Extensions Review

eyelas extensions beforeEyelash extensions aftereyelash extensions afterwardsphoto (36)-horz

Dependent upon whether you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you may or may not know that I recently had Eyelash Extensions applied for my mums wedding last month. If you don’t follow me…why not? You know you want to! If you do follow me you may be one of the lovely people who have asked to to blog about this experience, so this is for you.

I had wondered and slightly panicked about what to do with my eyelashes for the wedding day, as like many of you, I am obsessed with having big fluttery lashes and normally achieve such a look either through multiple layers of mascara of with fake eyelashes. I had originally toyed with the idea of wearing fake eyelashes, but as the wedding was a two day affair, both days being very long, I worried that fake eyelashes would not stay put for the duration and I didn't want to have to keep applying glue and reattaching them. When my mum said she was getting Eyelash Extensions for the wedding and her honeymoon my mind was made up… I would have them too.

I went to Bellissimo Beauty Studio in Kendal and booked myself in for an Express Eyelash Extension Treatment. I would have preferred the Deluxe Eyelash Extension Treatment but there was no available appointments that fitted into my schedule. The difference between the two treatments is that the Express Treatment attaches the false eyelashes in clutters of around 6 as opposed to attaching a single fake eyelash to each of your own eyelashes. The Express Treatment is one hour shorter than the Deluxe Treatment, so only takes half an hour; preferable for those of you with busy schedules, that need to fit appointments in after work like I do. Finally the Express Eyelash Treatment is designed to last for 2-3 weeks, compared to the 4+ weeks that the Deluxe Treatment does. The Deluxe Treatment also allows for the eyelashes to be topped up and maintained, so you don’t have to wait for them to fall out.

The treatment itself was at first a little strange, the beautician firstly removed all my eye makeup (nothing strange about that) but then she stuck my bottom lashes down with a large white sticker. This was quite uncomfortable at first as it is placed very near to your eyeball, and even for a girl who wears contact lenses, it was strange having the sticker touching my eye in such a way, after a while it become more tolerable. The beautician then got to work on my eyelashes; she attached a cluster of around 6 fake eyelashes one at a time to my own eyelashes with a black glue. As the treatment only lasted half an hour the discomfort from the sticker was tolerable and it was nice to just lie back and relax, especially after a busy day at work. I was advised to not wear mascara on the eyelash extensions, and to remove my eye makeup with a none oil based remover; this would help prolong the life of the lashes.

At first the eyelashes felt very bizarre as they were attached to my eyelashes as opposed to my lash line like fake eyelashes are. My eyelids felt quite heavy, and I was really conscious of how long they were. The strangest feeling is when you shower after having them done, as the water is heavy on them and they feel like they will fall out; thankfully they don’t!

The pictures above show me with no mascara on the fake eyelashes at all, there really is no need to as they looked long and dramatic without. My mum got the Deluxe Eyelash Treatment and in comparison to hers mine were more dramatic. I actually preferred my dramatic look compared her her more natural style. 
I lost a couple of the clusters of eyelashes within the first week, but it was not obvious. It was the second week when a clutter on the inner corner of my eye became loose and stuck up continously that it became obvious; you can see said eyelash in the picture above. They have only just all fallen out, some I encouraged others fell out in my sleep, and I only started wearing mascara again today. So overall the eyelash extensions lasted for 3 weeks.

I feel completely naked without my eyelash extensions now; I miss my big flirty eyelashes, I miss not having to put mascara on, thus giving myself an extra 10 minute in bed, I miss having the confidence to go out of the house without a scrap of makeup on! Overall I’m sure you have guessed that I would definitely get eyelash extensions again. I paid £25 for the Express Treatment, so I think they are fantastic value and perfect if you have an event, special occasion or holiday. Next time I plan on having the Deluxe Eyelash Extension Treatment so I can have them topped up, however I’m going to give it a couple of weeks, as I want to let my eyelashes have a rest, I’m sure they are quite tired of carrying the extra weight of the extensions.

Have you ever had eyelash extensions? What was your experience, did you enjoy them? Would you have them done in future if you haven’t already?